Rice Lake Speedway
Awards Banquet This Saturday
Banquet is presented by Built 2 Media Co
The celebration will be held on Saturday night, February 1st at the Rice Lake Elks Club, which is located on the North side of Rice Lake. The social hour begins at 5 pm with dinner to be served at 6 pm with the awards portion of the program to follow dinner. A multi course meal is planned by the staff of the Elks.
The cost of the meal and awards ceremony will be fifteen dollars per person and can be paid at the door with no reservations required. For those that would like to just come for the awards ceremony only, that cost will be five dollars. Free beer will be offered during the Happy Hour, courtesy of Rice Lake Speedway LLC.
Set to be honored will be the top five drivers in all five divisions that race at the speedway as well as the Rookie of the Year in each of the five classes.
Article Credit: Brent Creaser